
R.I.P. my good friend Bud Anderson

General Clarence Emil "Bud" Anderson passed away on May, 17, 2024. In a generation that had many great men, Gen. Anderson was among the greateest, pray for him and his family, thank him for his service and hope that he may Rest In Peace with the thanks of a grateful nation. Clarence Emil "Bud" Anderson (January 13, 1922 - May 17, 2024) is a retired officer in the United States Air Force and a triple ace of World War II. During the war he was the highest scoring flying ace in his P-51 Mustang squadron. Towards the end of Anderson's two combat tours in Europe in 1944 he was promoted to major at 22, a young age even for a highly effective officer in wartime. After the war Anderson became a well regarded fighter test pilot, and a fighter squadron and wing commander. He served his wing commander tour in combat in the Vietnam War. He retired as a full colonel in 1972, after which he worked in flight test management for McDonnell Douglas. A member of the National Aviation Hall of Fame, Anderson has remained a sought after speaker at aviation and military events well into his 90s.
